
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Thank You!

Our event was incredibly successful! A sincere and heartfelt THANK YOU to every friend, family, and business that made it all possible! Without you, our champions, New Beginnings couldn't continue the Lords work. 


6 months of planning & preparing
Countless hours of hard work in set up / decorating / tear down
20+ volunteers the day of the event  
280+ honored guests 
$38,308.20 raised so that more young women and
children may be served and met with the hope of Christ!

We are so grateful! 

For more pictures from the night of the event check out one of our amazing sponsors: Crystal Amber Photography  

Celebrate Recovery

 One thing that truly unifies believers is that each individual has a story. We have all struggled in different ways, overcome obstacles, and faced serious challenges. Every Christian could share their One Day story: When their life was going a certain direction, but then one day… Christ entered the picture… and everything was shed in the light of His grace and redemption! What I take comfort in knowing is that we’re also ALL masterpieces in progress. We each have room to grow and heal... even as a full-time staff person in ministry! 
That’s why I attend Celebrate Recovery hosted by Champions Centre in Tacoma. Having a Christ centered recovery group to safely share and gain wisdom is giving me greater depths of freedom and joy in my life, making me a better leader and servant too! I’m grateful to attend CR alongside some of NBHomes residents! One pregnant resident was at first surprised that I would feel the need to attend CR… it was a beautiful conversation revealing my own weaknesses and desires to grow as a woman of God, and I believe she was inspired and thankful for my humility. Here is what she had to say about CR:

“I’m so blessed they have this program so I can work on loving myself and building a better relationship with the Lord. By working on my struggles, my faith is growing at the same time!

Church Shout Out

Our 8 full-time staff members attend a few churches regularly… as servants in ministry we give of ourselves constantly and it’s absolutely a joy! But this lifestyle makes us incredibly grateful for all the ways the Lord refills and refreshes us! We are truly blessed to be a blessing. Seeing lives radically transformed by a living God is the whole point!!
She rededicated her life to Jesus and was baptized in April!

Both Alena and Amelia attend City Central church in Tacoma both on Sunday morning and often the young adults gathering on Friday evenings called Encounter. The Musick family and Stephani attend weekly services at Champions Centre in Tacoma. Stephani also enjoys the small family feel of Community Christian Assembly in Tacoma. The Steele family attends Puyallup Nazarene Church and bring along our pregnant residents each Sunday. Dianna attends the Federal Way International House of Prayer weekend service. Thank you to our Pastors, prayer partners, and fellow believers for all your encouragement and support!
If you are reading this and looking for a local church, or have questions about the goodness to be found in connecting to a body of believers and planting yourself and your family in a church then these churches all come highly recommended!

NBHomes Stats

Our Wonderful Staff Team... looking for YOU!

NBHomes is grateful for the dedication and service of our amazing volunteer staff members! After almost 2 years of serving our ministry one of our staff family is following the Lord's guidance in next steps. The nations are calling and we are excited to send her off with all our prayers and blessings at the end of June! We know that our mighty God will continue to use her for the Kingdom. We are so proud to call her sister and friend! More details to come in a follow up post =)  

This also means that NBHomes will now be accepting volunteer staff applications! If you have completed a Youth With A Mission (YWAM) Discipleship Training School (DTS) and have a passion for serving women and children please contact us for details! The Lord may be moving on your heart to relocate to the beautiful Puyallup Valley in Washington State. We are praying for YOU! Yes, YOU!
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