One thing that truly unifies believers is that each individual has a story. We have all struggled in different ways, overcome obstacles, and faced serious challenges. Every Christian could share their One Day story: When their life was going a certain direction, but then one day… Christ entered the picture… and everything was shed in the light of His grace and redemption! What I take comfort in knowing is that we’re also ALL masterpieces in progress. We each have room to grow and heal... even as a full-time staff person in ministry!

That’s why I attend Celebrate Recovery hosted by Champions Centre in Tacoma. Having a Christ centered recovery group to safely share and gain wisdom is giving me greater depths of freedom and joy in my life, making me a better leader and servant too! I’m grateful to attend CR alongside some of NBHomes residents! One pregnant resident was at first surprised that I would feel the need to attend CR… it was a beautiful conversation revealing my own weaknesses and desires to grow as a woman of God, and I believe she was inspired and thankful for my humility. Here is what she had to say about CR:
“I’m so blessed they have this program so I can work on loving myself and building a better relationship with the Lord. By working on my struggles, my faith is growing at the same time!