
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

A Blessing Shower

Here at New Beginnings we get to work with both gals who are placing for adoption and gals who are parenting. One of the very special things that we get to be a part of is blessing showers! For those who might not be familiar with a blessing shower, it is similar to a baby shower BUT its for women who are making a plan for adoption. So the adoptive family throw this blessing shower for the birth mother. The adoptive family and all their friends surround the birth mother to celebrate her, give her gifts, pray over her, and speak life and truth and hope into her life. It is a very special time and something we feel so blessed to be a part of. A few weeks ago we got to host a blessing shower for one of our residents, enjoy the pictures below and celebrate this amazing mama with us!


A few weeks ago one of our residents found out she is going to have a BOY!! We kept it a secret from the rest of the house and we did a gender reveal for her. It was a blast to put together, and we are so glad we got to celebrate with her. We are so excited for this mama and her precious boy.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Baby Bath Time!

On a cold rainy Washington day there is nothing more cheery and adorable than baby bath time! In the kitchen sink overlooking our cute little farm, one of our lovely mamas is giving her little one a bath <3 so precious and peaceful. We are always so proud of how our residents have grown in to amazing mothers to their littles! These precious bonding moments are part of why we do what we do! Enjoy this peek into our daily life:

Tuesday, February 21, 2017



We are in need of both volunteers and full time staff here at new beginnings home! If you have ever wanted to get involved with us now is the time :) Read below for a full list of both staff and volunteer opportunities we have open. If you know you or anyone you know are at all interested or just want more info about these opportunities please email or call 253.232.8415 [ALL positions listed below are unpaid missionary/volunteer positions]

our volunteer opportunities are very flexible, we can work with a variety of schedules!

Transportation Team: This is a great way to volunteer around new beginnings, and is our most urgent need. New Beginnings Home is looking for some awesome women to volunteer their time to assist our young women with their transportation needs. If you are interested in volunteering in this way please send an email to 

We have lots of other volunteer opportunities. Transportation is our most urgent need, but if you would like to volunteer in another way PLEASE let us know, we would love to chat with you and connect you with the best way your skills can be used to bless new beginnings!  


New Beginnings Home Staff Assistant/Nanny:
New Beginnings home is looking to bring on a female staff member! 
*This position includes all of your housing and food for free (there are no staff fees at our ministry). 

Job Description: 
We are looking for someone to be a part time staff member, and a part time nanny to 2 children on base (a 3 year old and a 1 year old). It is a full time position, but your duties would be split between nannying and staffing. 

If you are interested in applying or would just like more info please email

We are hoping to fill this position as early as possible. (Perks also include sometimes holding adorable babies ;) 

Welcome Home House Manager: 
Our aftercare housing program for birthmothers (called welcome home) is looking for a house manager! This is a female staff position.
*This position provides free housing (there are no staff fees at our ministry).

Job Description:

We are looking for someone with a passion to work with birth mothers (women who have placed for adoption). This position would include running the day to day tasks of our Welcome Home Program, and mentorship of our clients.

If you are interested in applying or would just like more info please email

Green House Manager: 
Did you know that New Beginnings has a 5,000 square foot green house on our property?! 
We are looking for a man or woman who is passionate about farming and hydroponics, that would manage our green house. We have a fully functional hydroponics system as well as multiple other farming methods possible in our green house, we just need some one to oversee it all! 

If you are interested in applying or would just like more info please email

A Walk in the Winter Sun

Part of our program here at new beginnings home includes working out! We love getting to exercise with our mamas because our ultimate goal is heathy mamas and healthy babies and exercise is a huge part of that! We do several activities for exercise, some times prenatal yoga, sometimes the gym, and sometimes we walk! Especially if the weather is nice :) so enjoy this look at our beautiful family walk in the sunshine!

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

New Beginnings~A Prayer

There is something about snow that reminds me of fresh starts and new beginnings. I came across this poem recently, and we used it in a family devotion a few weeks back. It is so perfect for New Beginnings Home, and really for each one of us. It really touched our hearts and I hope it touches yours!

"Help Me to Believe in Beginnings"

God of history and of my heart,
so much has happened to me during these whirlwind days:
   I've known death and birth;
   I've been brave and scared;
   I've hurt, I've helped;
   I've been honest, I've lied;
   I've destroyed, I've created;
   I've been with people, I've been lonely;
   I've been loyal, I've betrayed;
   I've decided, I've waffled;
   I've laughed and I’ve cried.
You know my frail heart and my frayed history -
and now another day begins.

O God, help me to believe in beginnings
and in my beginning again,
no matter how often I've failed before.

Help me to make beginnings:
  to begin going out of my weary mind into fresh dreams,
    daring to make my own bold tracks in the land of now;
  to begin forgiving
    that I might experience mercy;
  to begin questioning the unquestionable
    that I may know truth;
  to begin disciplining
    that I might create beauty;
  to begin sacrificing
    that I may accomplish justice;
  to begin risking
    that I may make peace;
  to begin loving
    that I may realize joy.

Help me to be a beginning for others,
   to be a singer to the songless,
   a storyteller to the aimless,
   a befriender of the friendless;
to become a beginning of hope for the despairing,
   of assurance for the doubting,
   of reconciliation for the divided;
to become a beginning of freedom for the oppressed,
   of comfort for the sorrowing,
   of friendship for the forgotten;
to become a beginning of beauty for the forlorn,
   of sweetness for the soured,
   of gentleness for the angry,
   of wholeness for the broken,
   of peace for the frightened and violent of the earth.

Help me to believe in beginnings,
  to make a beginning,
    to be a beginning,
so that I may not just grow old,
  but grow new
each day of this wild, amazing life
  you call me to live
    with the passion of Jesus Christ."

Ted Loder

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

It's A Winter Wonderland!

We loved our little farm all covered in white this past week! We got to have a fun day playing in the snow together!

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Maternity Photos!

Maternity pictures are one of the fun ways we get to bless our amazing New Beginnings Home residents! I love getting to gift these sessions to our gals, and getting to show them how beautiful they truly are, and how beautiful the life with in them is!

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