Are you single? Do you know all about waiting? Please be encouraged by this letter:
God’s Daughter,
I don't really know exactly what to say about purity to someone I don't know that well. I am however a father with a father’s heart. So I will write this letter as if I was writing it to my own daughter today. I think I would say something like this.... Purity is a road that isn't easily walked down. As I talk about purity I will be careful not to talk about it as a battle. A battle implies that we must fight. We are quick to use words like fight and battle. Jesus is quick to use words like peace and rest. If there is any encouragement that I can give you it is to not war against your own flesh but to rest in a God who is more than able to win any battle. Jesus calls us to come and abide, he invites us into his rest.
“Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit to itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.” John 15:4
Abide in his presence, rest in his love, our God is a loving savior who is capable of meeting all of your needs, who fulfill all of your ideas.
Waiting for your husband is a great sentiment that people talk about often and it’s a valid point. However waiting for a future husband is a vague idea... Please don't only wait for a man. I believe that God says 'wait' because he honestly believes that he is good enough and he is enough for you. That if you rest in him and stay close to him he will walk with you. Trust that God will keep you, that as you walk with him he will keep you pure.
Don't hold back from your relationship with him... he wants to lead you, so follow and follow hard! Our God is a good father who loves you the same way he loved his own son Jesus.
“...the Father himself loves you because you have loved me and have believed that I came from God.” John 16:27
You are his treasured possession and he is a hopeless romantic. He would leave all of his sheep to find you. He would tear his house apart to find you because you are so valuable. And even if you turned your back on him as soon as he saw you on your way back, he would run to you and embrace you, he would kiss you, and adorn you with a ring and a robe. He would throw a feast in your honor. Our God is so good and his best for you is worth pursuing. Walk this road to purity well, stay close to him and allow him to fight all of your battles for you.
God’s chosen daughter, we are here for you always, a spiritual family knit together by God himself. Know that as spiritual family we are here & ready to hear from you when you need advice. Ready to receive you when you need a place to stay or simply want to visit.
Blessings to you dear daughter,
A caring Father
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